Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa


1 story

Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa


19 stories

I created an S3 bucket for storing website files (HTML, CSS, JS), linked it to CloudFront distribution for web hosting. Enabled HTTPS redirect and used AWS Certificate Manager for SSL certs. Purchased a domain and used Route53 as registrar, pointing to CloudFront. Integrated visitor counter API with DynamoDB and Lambda in Python. Added script tags in HTML. Implemented CI/CD with GitHub actions for automatic S3 updates when code changes are committed from VSCode. Website:
Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa

Java advanced

34 stories

Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa

Data processing

4 stories

Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa

System design

4 stories

Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa


30 stories

Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa


6 stories

Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa

Machine learning

1 story

Arthur Costa

Arthur Costa


7 stories

Building a secure and quality NodeJS REST API with NestJS